Saturday, November 12, 2011

Back to work. Yeah, those 12 weeks flew by. I was so very sad to go back to work. I absolutely loved hold J. LOL He demanded it so I obliged. He would cry when I put him down. I did manage to shower and eat lunch most days. J. is doing great at school. I'm so proud of that. He took a three hour nap yesterday! I would say he is adjusting very well! That gives me such relief. I have to say that it was much easier leaving him at school than it was A. I knew all of the girls there at the school. Two of them are even the same ones who looked after A. when she was a baby. Talk about peace of mind! I didn't even cry when I left him on the first day. I knew he was in good, loving hands. A. is doing very good at school. She is learning to read and can sound out words. She is one smart girl. She is a great big sister, too. Very loving with the baby and a big helper! She went to Gigi's house last weekend for a couple days in order to attend Caroline's 3rd birthday. When she got back she told me how much she missed Johnny. I told her how much he missed her and how he cried. He may be only 3 mo old but I know he missed his sweet sister. I do love how she calls him Johnny. I love how when Johnny sneezes it is often with three in a row :) Love! I feel like it is a sign from him letting us know he is there. We are all getting used to our new routine. My morning this Saturday started at 6:15. J. slept 15min longer than during the week. LOL I got to sleep in because I normally wake up at 5:30. Oh and let me say, that J. sleeps so good. He is sleeping 10-11 hours every night. A. did the same thing. Yes, it is awesome. :)