Thursday, February 25, 2010


We have all been sick. That is the main reason for there being a lack of posts lately. We all have a cough, sinus stuff. I hope that it is on it's way out over the next couple days. We have all been going to bed early like 7:30pm because of how bad we felt. It's terrible when everyone is sick at the same time. Ugh! On top of that we have been sleeping through all of the excitement that comes with the Olympics. I usually really enjoy watching but this year I have been in bed and fast alseep when alot of the good events were shown. Oh well, I got to see the highlights on the news.

I promise to start posting some pics...eventually!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Big girl bed

After much anticipation and excitement, A is in her new big girl bed! We talked about it for a couple weeks before we set it up so she was fully prepared. She even helped us polish her new bed before we set it up. The bed was my uncle's bed so it needed a good cleaning and polishing. We went shopping and got princess sheets and a pretty bedspread. Daddy actually found the bedspread and A loved it. We set it up Friday and has been doing great! She was a little distraught when she realized that her crib was down but once we got her bed set up she was thrilled. I'm so proud of her. She is such a big girl now.

On that note, she refuses to let me call her a baby. I try to explain that she will always be my baby, but she disagrees. One day maybe she will understand.