Friday, September 2, 2011

3.5 weeks old

J. is now 3 and a half weeks old. Time is flying by! He is such a sweet baby. He sleeps so well at night. Only wakes me once a night to feed and then goes right back to sleep. We usually sleep in until 8 or 9am. So nice! A. was always a good sleeper, too. She was sleeping through the night by 6 weeks old. What a blessing to have kids that like to sleep as much as Dino and I! J. was 8lb 7 ounces at his 2 week check up which was more like 2 and a half weeks old. He had grown an inch and a half since birth by that visit. How crazy?? His head had grown 1/2 inch, too. They had to get blood from his heel which he did not like at all. I felt so bad for him. He cried and cried while the nurse tried to get the blood. He is a slow bleeder, like me. He calmed down as soon as she stopped pressing. His next appt is 10/10. He will get a few shots at that visit.

Here is a few pics of him. He still has his brown hair and blue eyes. We shall see if those change or not. I have a suspicion that his hair might change color. His eyes seem to be lightening up toward the center, just like Audrey's did. They sure are pretty.

A. loves her baby brother. She is amazing with him. Helps change diapers, get bottles, feed him, hold him, kiss him. So sweet! This picture was taken right after we got home with him. Look how proud she is! I'm so proud of her and how she has dealt with having this new baby in the house and having to share time with us with him. Amazing little girl!

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